
Hi. I’m Frankie Ann. Thanks for visiting Choosing Peace—a safe place where you can relax, reflect, laugh a little and experience healing.

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Getting started

Index, resources and optimized viewing

Not sure where to start? Go to the Index to explore the many topics covered on Choosing Peace. And read a little about each series below. (For recommended documentaries and books, see the Resources pages.)

For optimized viewing, use a laptop or desktop. On smaller screens, like phones, you’ll find the main menu at the top (three horizontal lines), with each series listed at the bottom—below the page/post content.

Series basics

Fourth series: Christian Living

This series came totally by surprise. I thought I was taking a little detour during the Forgiving series and realized that I’d moved on to a new series. Enjoy The Fruit of The Spirit, digging into the subject of prayer, battling the darkness with The Armor of God and more.

Join me as we explore Christian Living in the months ahead.

Third series: Forgiving

Have you had trouble forgiving sometimes? Maybe you have some questions about what forgiving really is and isn’t. Do you wonder about how forgiving—or not forgiving—impacts your life and your relationships? Join us for this series as we explore the many, many aspects of forgiving. Start with Do I Have To? And continue the adventure as we explore together.

Second series: Grieving

Do you know someone who needs help or encouragement in grieving—dealing successfully with loss and trauma? Invite your friend or loved one to journey through this series in the months ahead. Start with the first post, Why?, and keep on reading.

My sincere thanks to the experts who’ve shared their experiences and knowledge with us, so we can walk all the way through The Season of Grieving—one loss, one trauma at a time.

First series: Sociopaths

Difficult relationships—to say the least? You may be dealing with more than you know. Start with the first post of this series, Is Your Relative a Sociopath? Then move on to Portrait of a Sociopath, part 1, and keep on reading. See all 12 segments—plus the Epilogue.


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I look forward to hearing from you!

May God bless you on The Healing Journey….

Frankie Ann Smythe