The hug request, Name That Tune and The Name Game In part 3 of this series, How a Sociopath’s Victim…
Micro storms or sneak attacks Have you ever been around a preschooler who had her hands over her eyes while…
Macro storms—the calendar of chaos Welcome back, Peaceful Readers. How about Bubba in part 2. What a sociopath—one man in…
Best homework ever In part 1 of this post, we compared sociopaths to the Titanic: Puffed-up, dangerous and filled with…
My father-in-law, the sociopath My sociopathic father-in-law, Andrew, is a very different flavor than my mother-in-law, Delia. Remember the end…
The basics Looking below the surface In this post, our portrait of a sociopath is more figurative than literal, because…