The twelve and the letters Hello, Peaceful Readers. Do you remember the time when I wore my slippers to my…
The prayers, the vision and the letter Turbulent winds and changing weather A week ago, Brandon and I spent a…
The silence Did anyone ever break up with you by simply never speaking to you again? Not a phone call,…
The anger letter There’s a saying that goes like this: “Truth hurts.” While that may be true initially, I hope…
Surprise, surprise, surprise If you read the first series on this blog, you’ll recognize the secondary title—Surprise, Surprise, Surprise—from several…
The next series in Choosing Peace—Grieving—comes in late summer of 2017. Rest In many ways, The Healing Journey to escape…
True colors Things aren’t always what they appear to be, Peaceful Readers. That goes for material things, it goes for…
Sincere or insincere? Here’s the biggest shock in this interesting chain of events. Uncle Henry texted Brandon an apology shortly…
The dream and September’s second sneak attack September was a hoppin’, happenin’ month—lots of family birthdays, two sneak attacks, a…
Seeing clearly The morning after The day after we read Uncle Henry’s sneak attack letter, I awoke at my friend…