The prayer, part 2

The voice of God Sometimes my husband Brandon says, “I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. Which do…

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When the need to forgive has been hidden, part 1

Adapting Today we’ll begin exploring why we sometimes don’t have any idea that people have wronged us, so we don’t…

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The big why, part 1 of 8

Two flavors, same ending Think about an experience that went much better than you anticipated. My mom’s funeral was certainly…

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The post-trauma transformation, part 1 of 4

Testimony Have you ever walked into a room and realized that everyone but you is looking intently at something behind…

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Grieving divorce, part 4 of 8

The photo on the wall and the choice Welcome back, Peaceful Readers. Let’s continue our walk through our grieving to-do…

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