Alpha and omega 2
In part 4, we started digging into the Alpha and Omega Days—looking for connections between the first and last day of the month. We explored two movies and the NFL. What was the connection? Organized crime. Today, we’ll continue seeking connections. What did the first and last day of May have in common? Walk with me as we check out red-pilling, NASA and the attorney general.
May 1—the alpha day
Last year, May was Impact Month.
Impact 1
While I was writing part 7 of The Beauty of the Bible, I contacted my Someone Cares sisters to get their permission to include the baptism photo from the recent retreat. They all replied quickly with a resounding yes. Check out this text from one of my favorite ladies on our hospitality team—I’ll call her Kate: “Go for it!! I love this photo and the beautiful memory I get to keep!” To me, this baptism photo communicates the word impact. Life impact. Soul impact. Kingdom impact.

Impact 2
I rarely read any of my posts out loud to Brandon, but the opportunity presented itself later on the first day of May, and I sensed the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Monday, May 1
Journal entry
Brandon and I got Panda Express bowls and ate in the cockpit of the boat. The weather was lovely. Brandon forgot the boat key, so we didn’t take the boat out. No biggie. I proofread my post and read part of it to him in the car on the way home—the part about The Silent Genocide (abortion). He really liked it and asked me to sit on the porch when we got home. The section about trauma made Brandon think about himself.
We had an important conversation about the impact of trauma on his life. I ended that May 1 journal entry with a prayer for Brandon. He was having a hard day.
The traumas in Brandon’s life have had a major impact. But I know the prayers—in the end—will have a much bigger impact. To God be the glory.
May 31—the omega day
Before we dig into May 31, I need to introduce what will be a shocking, mouth-opening, eyes-bugging-out, “surely not” kind of subject.
The truth-seeker
I obviously don’t believe everything I hear. I knew the mainstream newspeople were lying for decades, so I didn’t partake. For years, my college friend Lindsey pressured me to get a personal Facebook account. I heartily declined. What “everyone” is watching, listening to, believing or doing doesn’t interest me. What is okay for one person may be very much not okay for yours truly.
Discernment and red-pilling: from small scale to worldwide scale
Over the last 9 years, our eyes were opened to the truth about my sociopathic in-laws; my parents—the narcissist/codependent combo; my sibling—Pam, The Almighty; and the accomplices. (What happened 9 years ago to begin this vital chapter of The Healing Journey? God healed me from the trauma of abortion at a weekend retreat.)
Having dealt with evil and wolves on both sides of our family has certainly built up my Discernment Muscles.
The Holy Spirit helps me discern good from evil,
wolves from sheep, truth from lies.
The Lord took the scales off my eyes about our relatives. Next, I needed to see the truth about our country and our world.
Receiving and taking the red pill
In January 2021, Charlene, my Soul Sister, red-pilled me* when she shared some patriot podcasters with me. Thank you, immensely, dear Charlene! I knew immediately that I had stepped onto Truth Lane—finally. My eyes were opened to pervasive, disturbing truths in our world. Dark truths. The Great Reset, child trafficking, and much more.
Both of our husbands—Brandon and Winston—work for American Airlines. When the “vaccine” mandates and other threats loomed heavily over our families, we needed to know the truth, stand firm, and support each other. We said no to the evil, and the rest is history. God was faithful. (Watch Died Suddenly, and see Current Events and Media in the index.)
*The red pill and blue pill analogies come from the 1999 movie The Matrix. Taking the red pill means you want the painful, unvarnished truth. Taking the blue pill means you’d prefer to believe the world’s lies and to live in a false reality.
Not the same
I’m very grateful—for the difficulties, for the red-pilling, for the truth, and for the building of my discernment. I’m not the same person I was 10 years ago.
The opening and closing of the doors
The Holy Spirit helps me. He challenges me. He opens certain doors for me. And he closes other doors. That door part is key. When a certain door is opened, I notice. When a different door is closed, I also notice.
As an avid truth-seeker, sometimes I’m shocked by what I find.
Peaceful Reader, walk with me through a very challenging door today.
Walk with me….
The truth about NASA
Wednesday, May 31 (part 1)
Journal entry
After watching a Flat Earth Dave interview on Flyover Conservatives recently, I read a couple articles about NASA’s lies about our globe, solar system, moon landing, etc. (i.e., EVERYTHING).
One of the articles said NASA stands for Not A Space Agency. That was clever.
On May 31—our omega day of Impact Month—I told Charlene about these shocking issues. We ate dinner together at Cotton Patch.
Reaction and training
Your initial reaction to the flat earth concept probably goes something like this. “Frankie Ann, have you lost your mind?” “How ridiculously stupid.” “Idiot.” Etcetera. I get it. I really do. We were all taught the same solar system unit in elementary school, and we believed it all. We went to the planetarium on field trips. I even took astronomy as one of my college science classes.
I understand.
As we embark on something that probably feels truly bizarre, answer this question. Have you received anything helpful here on Choosing Peace? If so, please remember that.
Walk. With. Me.
Frankie Ann’s flat earth challenge
If you’re sure that you’re right—that we live on a spinning sphere—I ask you to take Frankie Ann’s Flat Earth Challenge. Explore the 5 resources below over the course of a week or two. Take your time. Walk slowly. You’ll likely feel stunned and dismayed. As you recover from the initial shock, eat a little chocolate (or your favorite treat) and continue your travels from there.
Challenge 1: The NASA video
Watch this short video, titled “NASA engineer admits they can’t get past the Van Allen Belts.” To cut to the chase, start at 2:45 (2 minutes and 45 seconds into the video). Consider two key statements about the spaceship Orion. (1) “We are headed 3,600 miles above Earth.” After talking about the dangerous radiation of the Van Allen Belts, the NASA engineer says: (2) “We must solve these challenges before we send people through this region of space” [emphasis added]. According to NASA, the moon is more than 200,000 miles away from Earth.
Peaceful Readers, let’s do some basic math. If we’ve never flown people through the Van Allen Belts before and the Van Allen Belts are less than 3,600 miles from Earth, that means we did not go to the moon, which—according to NASA—is more than 200,000 miles away.
Hmmm. The plot thickens.
Challenge 2: The proofs
Walk slowly through “200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball” by Eric Dubay on Flat Earth 101. Your heart and head will sink as the truth starts to sink in. When I got to #32 and #33 of the proofs, the truth was clear to me. I read the first 50 of the 200 Proofs. That was all I needed.
I’m not into science. At all. Here’s the thing. You don’t have to be a Rhodes Scholar or an honored scientist to understand this material. It’s simple, straight-forward, and contains excellent images. I challenge you to read it—slowly and attentively. Be willing to examine the evidence and learn.
I challenge you.
Be willing to examine the evidence
and rethink what you think you know.
Read the 200 Proofs—as far as you need to go. Read a few at a time. Drink in the simplicity and basic logic of what’s being presented. Like me, you may shake your head in utter disgust at some point.
Challenge 3: The FAQs
The ultimate question is “Why?” Scroll down on the FAQ page of Flat Earth 101 and read the last question. You’ll find the answer to the big Why Question in the video at the top—at 2:05:54 (2 hours, 5 minutes and 54 seconds), near the end. (To access this point of the video, push Play and then slide or place your cursor along the time counter/bar until you get near 2:05:54.)
Another frequently asked question goes like this: “Are all the planets flat or only the Earth?” Find the answer in the video at 1:09:29. Explore these FAQs as the Lord leads you.
Challenge 4: Flat Earth Dave
As you consider and drink in this shocking and initially disheartening train of thought, you may like Flat Earth Dave. He’s interesting and fun. Watch the “Conspiracy Conversations” episode by David Whited of Flyover Conservatives with Flat Earth Dave Weiss, entitled “Have We EVER Been to the Moon?”
At almost 2 hours long, this conversation contains a lot of information, images and videos. Take your time. Rewind certain parts and rewatch points of interest. Drink it in slowly—a little at a time. Or, if you’re like me—gulp it down. Wham.
Challenge 5: Interview with former NASA employee
Listen carefully and thoughtfully to this interview with a former NASA employee who believed the typical solar system model we were all taught. Until she didn’t. She is now what we call A Flat-Earther. Hear her story. Learn about NASA and their “black projects.”
This interview really intrigued me. As you watch it, ask these questions. Where did God place her? What did she see and hear? What were her longstanding, unquestioned beliefs? What does she believe now and why?
Be courageous. Take the challenge.
These 5 resources are a great place to start. After you’ve explored them, share them with a friend or colleague. People need the truth.
♦ The NASA video
♦ 200 Proofs
♦ FAQs
♦ Flat Earth Dave
♦ Interview with former NASA employee
Opening the door
Presenting this information here was Step 1. But that wasn’t all I needed to do. You see, my older sibling Linda has worked for NASA and various NASA contractors since her college internships—for more than 40 years. At some point, I needed to open this door with her too, knowing full well that she’d respond with unmitigated disgust.
The perfect time
Strangely enough—I mean, in full accordance with the mystery and foreknowledge of the Holy Spirit—Linda texted me the day before Easter while I was writing this section. “I will be in your area for the eclipse. Would you like to meet for dinner on Sun. the 7th or Mon. the 8th?” I decided to take the exchange in a different direction, ignored her request, and replied: “Interesting website. Lots of science. Thought it might interest you. My personal favorites are #32 and #33.” I included the link to Flat Earth Proofs, part 1. Linda replied: “Patience, Grasshopper. No jumping ahead to April Fools Day.” Translation: Frankie Ann, don’t be an idiot. That is ridiculously stupid, even for you. I didn’t reply. Six-plus hours later, she wrote: “Tell me you don’t really believe this.” Again, I didn’t reply. Silence is golden—and thought-provoking, hopefully. (Besides, Linda’s still an accomplice and I don’t eat with Pam’s Posse. Pam’s death on Christmas Eve didn’t change those realities.)
Her view
Linda considers herself to be an important, brilliant rocket scientist. And she considers me to be Frankie Ann, The Simpleton who works at some little church. Will she open that link? Will she read any of it? I certainly hope so; but honestly, I doubt it. Linda’s #1 source of pride is her intelligence. “I’m super-smart and I work at NASA.”
Oh, well. I presented important information and the rest is in the Lord’s hands.
The first time
Have I had any other red-pill exchanges with Linda? Surprisingly enough, yes. Let’s step 3 years back in time—to the month after I was red-pilled by Charlene.
Friday, February 12
Journal entry
I had an interesting text exchange with Linda, my older sister. She expressed concern about a big pile-up on I-35. I wrote, “Smooth sailing. I didn’t see any wrecks today. Drove right by the I-35 exit twice.” Later I wrote, “Don’t believe everything you see on the news.” Linda: “You think it was made up?” Me: “It could have been from another location.” Linda: “Are you suggesting an honest mistake? Or a deliberate lie?” Me: “The second. A friend [Sam] noticed that the supposed location wasn’t what was on camera.” Linda: “What else do you think they have lied about?” Me: “Plenty. It’ll come out eventually.” Linda: “The moon landing?” Me: “Beats me….”
The big reveal
At that time, I wasn’t thinking about NASA or our supposed solar system whatsoever. But I find it revealing that her first question was, basically, “Do you think/know that my employer’s biggest “accomplishment” was a total hoax?”
First and last
The next day, I was stunned when she asked me where I go for trustworthy information. I recommended Mel K and “The Right Side” with Doug Billings, among others. I mentioned that my chiropractor likes “Louder with Crowder” and some people like Michael Knowles. That was the first time she ever asked me for information. First and last. But it was important. I ended my journal entry with a prayer for her. Lord, I pray that Linda will diligently seek truth—about our world and most of all, about you. I pray that she will find you, deeply.
Powerful warning
I finished writing the section above two or three days ago. Yesterday, I awoke in the middle of a terrifying nightmare. In my dream, a massive Burmese python was facing me at eye level trying to kill me. I had both hands just under its head and was struggling with all my might, trying to keep it from striking and biting me. Its mouth was open, showing me its massive fangs. The snake had already struck Brandon, but he seemed unhurt.
A new accomplice
When I woke up, I thought, Who was that about? Which one of our relatives? We’d experienced a very disturbing sneak attack last month when my mother-in-law’s new husband Walter left not one, but two threatening phone messages on my phone and then showed up out of the blue on our porch on a beautiful Sunday afternoon right after we got home from church. What a total wacko. More about that later. Was my nightmare about him? Was he returning?
The usual accomplice
Actually, the nightmare was about Linda. A few hours after my nightmare yesterday, she texted me. “Ok I’ll assume that’s a “no thanks” for dinner. I would still like to meet when I’m in your area or vice versa.” I didn’t reply. The word still is particularly strange since we haven’t met for years.
The boundaries
A number of years ago, I emailed Linda some new boundaries: No holidays, no gifts, no cards, no sending me vacation itineraries. I said our contacts needed to be sincere and rightly motivated, not dictated by special dates on the calendar or by trained politeness. I named one of the elephants in the room—that we had never been friends. I specifically communicated that I would not see her in November or December. She—in true dysfunctional family fashion—ignored that part for several years, until she realized that I actually meant what I said. Shock of the world.
The questions
Back to Linda’s comment, “I would still like to meet….” What, pray tell, would she like to meet about? Why now, since we haven’t met in years? What is her agenda? What does she want? The most important question is: Who is she?
The answers
Linda has been Pam’s accomplice for years. Pam had our mom’s will rewritten, Linda knew all about it, and I was kept in the dark until I received a copy of the will after Pam went to probate court. They enjoyed misspelling my name in the first draft of our mom’s obituary and making coordinated, same-day contacts with me, etc. Linda pretended to play for both sides, but everyone knew she was part of Pam’s Posse. Their purpose was Kickin’ Frankie Ann in the Face. That has not changed.
My nightmare gave me important answers about who Linda is and what she wants. Linda is a snake. And snakes represent evil. In a previous nightmare, Pam and Linda were personified as wolves. (See this post for more about nightmares and symbolism in dreams.) What does Linda want? She wants to attack me. And I, Peaceful Readers, am not available for that. It’s nothing personal. It’s just who she is. She’s been slithering her way into my life this year—making monthly contacts, which is most unusual.
Addition and subtraction
Let’s do the math. Pam died in December. In January, Linda wished me an enthusiastic Happy New Year. She contacted me in February and mailed me a copy of something our mom wrote. And last month, she invited me to dinner. She figured—having made three consecutive sweet contacts with me—that she’d get her way. Nope. Is she worried about where she’ll spend Christmas, now that the mob boss is dead? I imagine so.
Yesterday I read all six parts of The Sneak Attack, about Uncle Henry’s long attack letter to Brandon. I needed to be strengthened and reminded about the tactics employed by sociopaths—people with certain personality disorders—evil people. Linda has demonstrated 5 out of the 8 warning signs for violence this year: (1) Speaking in “we” terms, (2) Charm and niceness, (3) Typecasting, (4) Loan sharking, and (5) Discounting the word “No”—whether spoken or not. Say it with me, Peaceful Readers, like Gomer Pyle: Surprise, surprise, surprise! (Learn about the warning signs for violence here.)
Not getting lost
In this post, I reflected on how important it is to focus on who’s doing the communicating, without getting lost in the verbiage—I mean the attempted manipulation.
The silence and the words
I’ll use The Weapon of Silence with Linda—the same defensive weapon we used successfully when we left The War Zone crafted by Brandon’s sociopathic parents. I’ve been reminding myself of our mantra from that season: You play, you lose.
I will not play.
Coming back around
Who knew my writing about NASA and flat earth would swing around to nightmares and sneak attacks? You know the answer to that one.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for my nightmare. It was important. It reminded me of the truth and what I needed to do—or not do. Amen.
Determined patriots
I read articles about NASA and ate dinner with Charlene. What else happened on the last day of May last year?
Wednesday, May 31 (part 2)
Journal entry
Our attorney general, Ken Paxton, is being impeached. He was suing Moderna, Pfizer, etc. for their poisonous “vaccines.” Charlene texted me recently to call my state representative and ask him to vote against the impeachment, and I did. There is much evil. Each layer is being revealed. Lord, I pray for your righteous justice.
My pal Charlene isn’t only my Soul Sister. She’s also my current events expert. I often ask her, “What’s going on?” “Is there anything I need to know?” She listens to truth. She watches truth-speakers. She researches for truth.
Texas-sized cowboy boots
We know that the mainstream media has launched attack after attack against President Trump. They have also attacked and lied about other devoted patriots, like Ken Paxton. Do you want to know what our Texas Attorney General has been up to? Read the headlines of these news releases and be amazed. He is kicking it! I’m picturing him wearing Texas-sized cowboy boots and stomping all over evil. Thank you, Ken Paxton, for serving the people of Texas so well. You have my full support.
A soul sister’s impact
Charlene has had a major impact on my life—in The Friend and Confidant Department and in The Truth About Politics Department. Before I voted last month in the Texas primaries for the State Board of Education candidate I was interested in, I called Charlene. She made a phone call and got some more information and we were on the same page. She knows where to look. She knows who to call. What a treasure. (Our candidate won, beating the long-term incumbent. Thanks be to God.)
Food, friends and books
Did I mention that Charlene and I each ate a piece of butter cake during our May 31 dinner at Cotton Patch? Delicious.
Wednesday, May 31 (part 3)
Journal entry
Work was super-busy. …After I dropped off my dinner leftovers in the fridge, I shopped at Aldi for Logan’s breakfasts and lunches and for our Friday cookout at Charlene and Winston’s. Then I cooked/packaged a pizza for Logan and did a load of laundry. I love my family and friends! Thank you, God, for my abundant blessings! I love you and your word.
Logan called to tell me about his day and we yakked tonight. …He leads some of the songs at the day camp. I’m so proud of him. One of the older kids who loves animals is reading the Warrior-like [book] series about dogs/wolves, recommended last summer by Logan. I told him how wonderful it is that he can see the impact he’s having in such a tangible way. …He asked me for specific prayers and I prayed for him—for those things, and for his protection and favor with God and man.
Logan met with Elijah and Nicholas tonight for their discipleship/book discussion time. PTL.
What a fascinating day and a heartwarming way to end Impact Month.
The light
The peace and childlike faith in the song below by CityAlight shine brightly in images of the night, with lights that look like stars. What a perfect song for today’s post—with the family of God singing humbly and joyfully together.
“Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised;
and his greatness is unsearchable.”
Psalm 145:3, King James Version
Coming next: We’ll check out the first and last day of July. Come back next time to read about Patrick Henry, a zoo and a song. Thanks for reading and for Choosing Peace.
Truth from The Word: John 8:12
Song: “The Night Song” by CityAlight, featuring Colin Buchanan
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