The trauma of child abuse: from denial to healing, part 3 of 4

Brandon and Frankie Ann When Victim #1 in a very sick family (i.e., Our Perfect Family) gets married, this throws…

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The trauma of child abuse: from denial to healing, part 1 of 4

Brandon’s story Brandon’s parents are sociopaths. I told a lot of his story in the first series on this blog—Sociopaths;…

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The next series in Choosing Peace—Grieving—comes in late summer of 2017. Rest In many ways, The Healing Journey to escape…

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Remember, part 2 of 2

The texts Welcome to the 40th and final post in this series on sociopaths. I couldn’t have scripted a better…

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Remember, part 1 of 2

The bit Well, Peaceful Readers, I don’t know about you, but I’ve learned a lot since I began writing this…

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Thanksgiving, part 5 of 5

The vacation and the dream Change can be a really good thing when it’s the right change at the right…

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Thanksgiving, part 2 of 5

Contentment Welcome back, Peaceful Readers. In part 1 of Thanksgiving, we looked at the connection between thankfulness and truth. When…

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The apology, part 2 of 2

True colors Things aren’t always what they appear to be, Peaceful Readers. That goes for material things, it goes for…

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The apology, part 1 of 2

Sincere or insincere? Here’s the biggest shock in this interesting chain of events. Uncle Henry texted Brandon an apology shortly…

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