Ever near
During winter, we breathe into the cold air outside and see our own breath. It looks like fog. Fun stuff. What was invisible inside us becomes visible when the warmth of our breath collides with the cold air. That reminds me of the Holy Spirit. We don’t see him, but we definitely see what he does.
When Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to his disciples—after his resurrection—he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” (We receive the gift of the Holy Spirit when we put our faith in Jesus.)
In this post, we’re looking at different aspects of the Holy Spirit—different ways that he ministers to us and loves us. In part 1, we looked at the Helper. In the next three parts, we looked at the Spirit of truth. Today you’ll read about the Comforter.
Walking in his comfort
Here’s our verse for today.
So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace, and were built up. They were multiplied, walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 9:31, New Heart English Bible
They walked—they lived—in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Do we? Do we experience and acknowledge the warmth and comfort of the Holy Spirit? Sometimes we’re too distracted or busy to notice.
How does the Holy Spirit comfort us? Thru the word, the truth, his presence, his gentle voice, his peace, gifts and blessings, spiritual encounters, healing, transformation and so much more. Thru his nearness.
The Holy Spirit is ever near.
He is the Comforter.
A pivotal year
When we think about the year 2020, we may think of words like quarantine, virus, masks, lock-down, fear, threats, vaccines and much more. Because it was such a shocking and anxiety-ridden time, I’d like to share some of the ways the Holy Spirit comforted me that year. What a year it was.
In the great year of our Lord—Anno Domini—2020…
First quarantine Sunday
The Holy Spirit filled the first Sunday of the COVID-19 quarantine with his comfort—thru the word, the truth and gifts of my favorite things, just to name a few.
Sunday, March 15
Journal entry
My reading this morning was 1 Chronicles 12. The title written for this chapter is The Mighty Men Join David. Verse 22 stood out to me: “For from day to day men came to David to help him, until there was a great army, like the army of God” [NHEB]. I read verses 16 thru 18 and verse 22 to Logan. I told him that God brings people together to accomplish mighty things and that I believe he will see this to be true in his own life.
I enjoyed a warm piece of chocolate chip coffee cake and [a special] candle on my breakfast-in-bed tray this morning. It was a delicious, sweet time. I saw the beautiful red cardinal in our bird feeder. God is so good to me.
We all watched [our church’s] live stream…. We sang along with… the band and watched [the] sermon. One of the readings was part of Psalm 27—my favorite! Another was part of Psalm 34, with “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Beautiful and so true.
…Recently, I finally asked God for the truth. I wrote that my parents didn’t love me. Was that true? Yes. They didn’t know how. They didn’t know how. …I’m exceedingly thankful for the great healing the Lord—my Savior Jesus Christ—has so generously given to me, and the work/steps I needed to do, thru the urging and gentle prompting of the Holy Spirit, my comforter. What a great life God has given me.
The devil uses lies, distractions, accusations, fear-mongering and discouragement to mislead us, to keep us from following God, and to destroy us. The Holy Spirit gives us truth and love—in so many ways—to comfort and bless us.
Spring 2020—A wedding, a love song and the Constitution
These back-to-back springtime journal entries are sweet. And I’m talking about more than the coffee cake and the ice cream.
Wednesday, April 1
Journal entry
The Holy Spirit gave me a poem concept this morning—A Place Called Home. I wrote it… and published it today. Thanks be to God! [Think of this poem as Quarantine Blessings.]
I heard the doves cooing many times today and I saw a dove at our bird feeder. Joy, joy, joy. Brandon and I took a walk with the dogs this afternoon. Then we sat on the porch, listening to the dove cooing, feeling the gentle breeze. Absolutely serene and glorious.
We received a wedding invitation from Emma and Nathan today. What a wonderful thing. They’re getting married at [church] in May. Lord, bless their marriage.

Thursday, April 2
Journal entry
Brandon brought The First Rose of Spring to me in a glass today. What a beautiful, special gift. It smells so good. That was very kind and thoughtful.
I sat on the porch and enjoyed a long talk with Charlene this afternoon. [Her husband] Winston wrote a love song!
…This evening I baked a blueberry coffee cake—Logan’s request. I also watched several episodes of [a home show]. Brandon sat with me for some of it and put his head in my lap. It was sweet.
Friday, April 3
Journal entry
I stepped out on the porch at lunch time. A very cold wind was blowing. It was 42 degrees and felt like 37. Wow. I ate inside and asked Brandon to light the fire…. It was beautiful and soothing.
This afternoon I videoed Logan by the fire, using his phone, while he gave a speech by Benjamin Franklin. It was very good—about the Constitution. Very impressive. I really enjoyed hearing it.
This morning I was so blessed to listen to Logan’s [English] class’s discussion of The Great Gatsby. They were so bright and insightful. My appreciation for CCA [—Logan’s school—] has gone way up with the privilege of getting to hear his teachers and the wonderful things the students are learning. Thank you, Lord!
This evening… Logan brought me a large mug filled with chocolate chip ice cream. It was delicious. And I listened to peaceful music on Pandora. It was very soothing.
Yes, we ate Blue Bell Ice Cream in various flavors during the quarantine. A lot. Did your eating habits change?
Summer 2020—The prayer, the park and the hand of God
As fellow believers hear the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit and obey him, we’re deeply blessed by their words, their prayers, their kindness. The Holy Spirit comforts us through each other.
Wednesday, July 15 (part 1)
Journal entry
The Lord has given me great encouragement this week! I received a wonderful card from Mme. Jordan—Logan’s French teacher. She wrote, “I pray for you and your family, for Logan’s senior year, for a sense of God’s direction. May the Lord encourage your heart as you continue to trust him in this weird “unprecedented time.” Heavenly Father, may the Smythe family sense your hand guiding them; may they treasure your presence and seek your face. I pray you continue to show your faithfulness. Protect, provide, Lord, and be near! You are our faithful Shepherd, and we are the sheep of your keeping.
“Finally, Lord, may Logan’s love for you continue to abound, show him you are directing his path—you are sovereign! In your son’s name, Amen.”
Wow. To say the least.
When Jesus is the shepherd of our souls, we follow his voice. See this beautiful and revealing short film.
Fresh air
Part 2 of this journal entry shows one of the many Quarantine Blessings. We left the screens and went outside.
Wednesday, July 15 (part 2)
Journal entry
…Brandon and [his best friend] Isaiah went to a park and walked/visited for a long time. The park was packed. Praise the Lord.
The word
The Holy Spirit comforted me with the word of God—again and again.
Sunday, August 8
Journal entry
In my reading this morning, this verse stood out. I will teach you about the hand of God. I will not conceal that which is with the Almighty. Job 27:11 [WEB]
That reminds me of a great passage.
This is my comfort in my affliction, for your word has revived me.
Psalm 119:50, New Heart English Bible
Fall 2020—Football, chips and kisses
These journal entries from the fall of 2020 begin and end with football.
Saturday, October 3
Journal entry
We went to the 11 A.M. CCA football game against Lubbock Trinity Christian. Even though we had to wear masks, it was so great to get out, be together and enjoy the game on a beautiful day. I felt overwhelmingly peaceful, grateful and at home. The Lord’s presence was powerful. I thought about how this is our 14th year here and what a blessing it’s been for us all—a safe place for Logan during tumultuous years in our country—with the deterioration of public education, the push toward socialism, the deterioration of the family, the increase in social media enslavement and The Age of Anxiety. God has protected our son here and provided for us all. Thanks be to God!
Halloween a la COVID
If you were at Charlene’s house on Halloween, you’d hear children saying, “This is the house where they give you chips.” I love that. Never let it be said that my pal is a cookie-cutter, follow-the-crowd type. Do the children like getting chips on Halloween? Absolutely. Some years, Charlene and Winston give out 100 individual bags. Yum.
Saturday, October 31
Journal entry
We were happy to have trick-or-treaters tonight. We put our candy in a plastic bowl on the porch. One of the trick-or-treaters was dressed up like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. What a cutie.
Kisses on the head—at home and at work
Thursday, November 19
Journal entry
Logan kissed me on the head in the kitchen. It was so sweet and touched my heart greatly. When I walked in the nave at St. Matt’s, my head brushed under the thick fringe on the green banner (my favorite—I Am the Way, the Truth, the Life) several times and I smiled. Jesus was giving me kisses on my head too. Lord, I love you!
Monday, November 23
Journal entry
I received the sweetest card from Meagan today.
My Dear, Sweet Frankie Ann,
Last Sunday, your sweet hug lifted my spirits. What a wonderful surprise because I didn’t know they needed lifting. However, Our Generous God knew, and He kissed me with your friendship. You are a gift to me. Thankful for you!!
Love you,
What a precious friend.
Senior pics and my Psalm 91 bookmark
My dad’s birthday was filled with blessings.
Wednesday, November 25
Journal entry
Before Logan and I left this morning for his senior picture photo shoot, I read verse 1 from my morning reading to him: “We give thanks to you, God. We give thanks, for your Name is near. [I emphasized near.] Men tell about your wondrous works” ~ Psalm 75:1 [NHEB]. Before reading that verse, I read Madame Jordan’s prayer for our family, written in her July 2020 card that I’m using as a bookmark in Psalm 91, a book I’m reading. Mme. Jordan’s prayer includes this cry: “Protect, provide, Lord, and be near!” The Lord’s hand is in all these things. The Lord blessed Logan and me greatly today. Thanks be to God.
Frankie Ann’s favorite football moment
Who says you can’t have fun even when the world seems crazy? Check out this clip. Many thanks to Tyreek Hill and the Kansas City Chiefs.
Winter 2020—favorites, gratitude and our story
I could write an entire post just about December 2020. Enjoy these highlights.
Tuesday, December 1
Journal entry
I heard a cardinal chirping happily while I was eating breakfast, so I got up and peeked toward the window. There he was! After breakfast, I headed toward the sink and he was still eating. Joy comes in the morning. God knows me. God sees me. God loves me.
Treasured teachers
Thursday, December 3
Journal entry
Bethany Ferguson [—one of Logan’s favorite teachers and his senior thesis advisor—] sent me a really sweet text about how much she misses Logan and hopes he gets well soon. I thanked her and forwarded her text to Logan. He loved it.
Yesterday we received an email that Mme. Jordan is moving out of the country and this is her last year at CCA. I read the email …and I cried. I’m so thankful that Logan got to be in her class all these years. She’s phenomenal. The Lord’s will be done. I’m so thankful for our school. God is so good to us.
I prayed for Madame Jordan and her family.
Friday, December 11
Journal entry
I went to Aldi and found bags of broccoli-stuffed chicken breasts in the “special buy” frozen food case. I grabbed all five bags. When Logan saw it, he said, “Christmas came early this year.” His gratitude warmed my heart.
Saturday, December 26
Journal entry
I received two photo ornaments today that I ordered on eBay. I put …a photo of Logan at [CCA’s] French Night in the stocking [ornament]. Happy memories. Our Christmas tree is our family story. What a blessing.

Almost two years ago, the Holy Spirit began preparing me to write this post.
Sunday, December 27
Journal entry
…This afternoon and late tonight, I continued reading thru my 2020 journal, making a list regarding events and dates. The Holy Spirit impressed on me in recent days that I must get this done.
Who knew that I’d be writing this post in late 2022? The Holy Spirit—the Helper, the Spirit of truth, the Comforter.
Rest and trust
When I remember that God created me and chose me for this time and this place, I can rest in him and trust him in all circumstances—even during a quarantine.
How did the Holy Spirit comfort and bless you during 2020? Ask him to remind you in the days and weeks ahead. Then write about those experiences in your journal. (For more about journaling, see the end of part 1.)
The Holy Spirit is ever near.
Come close. Experience his comfort.
Do you need peace today? Drink in the beautiful scripture and song below.
Coming next: We’ll dig into the relationship between the Holy Spirit’s comfort and his protection. You’ll read about an injury, a prayer, a scooter and much more.
Until then, thanks for reading and for Choosing Peace.
Healing through truth and music
Peaceful Readers, I’ve found great healing in my life through the beauty and truth of God’s word and through music. I hope the truths and songs that I share at the end of each post will bless you too.
Truth from The Word: Philippians 4:4-8—one of my all-time favorite passages
Song for Healing: “Peace” by The Worship Initiative, feat. Beth Barnard and Shane & Shane
What a beautiful reminder to acknowledge the comfort of the Holy Spirit. So often, I experience His comfort but I let other things take my attention away rather than acknowledging it, dwelling in it and resting in it. I really like the way that you added journal entries as a practical example of a way to acknowledge both the little and big ways the Holy Spirit brings you comfort in your days. I need to incorporate that more into my own journaling. I can totally relate to finding comfort in ice cream too! One of the sweetest ways the Holy Spirit ministers to me is through music. I get so excited when I come across a song that moves me. Thanks so much for sharing the song “Peace.” I hadn’t heard that one before and it’s definitely one that I’ll be playing on repeat. I love your heart & being able to get to know you more through your blog.
Sweet Allie,
Thanks so much for reading and sharing your kind thoughts. Journaling has definitely changed my life and brought God’s presence alive in a new and deep way.
We are so blessed!
Frankie Ann